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Wendy's Witchery LLC

Spell Jars | Witch Bottles

Spell Jars | Witch Bottles

Regular price $5.00
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These spell jars are loaded with intention, herbs, crystals and other magickal items to bring you what you need!

Money Draw Spell Jar: Coffee (speeds everything up & boosts the spells power), Catnip (herb of attraction, protection, healing & love), Shredded Currency, Ground Allspice (drawing money & obtaining treasure, herb of good luck & positive energy), Aventurine (amplifies luck, prosperity & abundance, soothes & stabilizes the emotions)

Protection Spell Jar: Cascarilla Powder (protection & fertility), Herb Blend: Nettle (protection, purification, courage, healing, binding, banishing, inner strength & setting boundaries), Sage (ward off evil, cleanse a space, item or person, corresponds to wisdom, good luck & long life. Herb of good health, protection, purification, healing & clarity), Hyssop (purification, cleansing & protection. Promotes acceptance, tolerance & unconditional love), Blessed Thistle (strong protective qualities. Holy herb that counters negative magickal energy & removes hexes. Bestows physical, spiritual & financial blessings) & St. John's Wort (protection against evil, a sacrifice to solar deities, corresponds to divination, happiness, love, strength & health), Salt

Self-Love Spell Jar: Hibiscus Flower (love & lust), Raspberry Leaf (drawing love, protection, fertility/pregnancy, patience, good luck in marriage & love), Rose Quartz (self love, attracting love, calm energy, protection, emotional healing, heals relationships, promotes mutual understanding & inspires compassion), Rose Petals (attract love, romance, lust, sexuality, beauty, healing, truth, dreaming, peace, luck, happiness & protection), Juniper Berries (attraction of good people & good friends, attract love, anti-theft, protection from negative energies, hex-breaking, healing, purification & banishing) & Apple Seeds (life, death & rebirth, immortality, the underworld, love, protection, fertility, longevity, knowledge, beauty & sexuality)

Clarity Spell Jar: Rosemary, Lavender, Calendula, Lemon Grass, Clear Quartz

Abundance Spell Jar: Citrine, Basil, Ginger, Orange Peel

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