I'm baaaaack! After unfortunately catching Covid at my last event in November, all December events ended up being canceled! I decided to embrace the cold and stay in for the long winter to heal.

  • Our first event of the year will be the Fay B. Kaigler Children's Book Festival at USM April 10th - 12th! I'll be there from 9A - 5P all three days on the second floor of the Thad Cochran Center!
  • Saturday, April 13th, you can find me at J's Tavern, 2125 Oak Grove Rd, for the Red Jasper Psychic Fair from 12P - 6P!
  • Come join me on April 20th for the 2nd Annual Sippi Cup at Sully's Gulfport, 1316 30th Ave, starting at 4:20P - 9P!
  • Last, but definitely not least, you can find me and my fairy wings at the Fairy Tea Party in Town Square Park from 10A - 5P!

Can't wait to see everyone!

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